My daughter told me the story of a college student who had to see one of his professors about an urgent matter. The secretary was expecting the professor back soon. The student waited. One hour slipped by and the student began to get tired of waiting and decided to leave. Guess what? Two minutes after the student left the professor came into the office. Only 2 minutes later. Waiting is hard to do Today, I want to encourage you to hold on for the thing you are hoping for. A change is coming your way. You may be at your wits end and cannot see the of the road, do not get afraid or nervous, frightened or give in to your circumstances. Everything or everyone might have failed you, your expectations might have been dissappointed in the past but do not give up. Stay put, try again, ask again and you will get a breakthrough. While waiting Keep your focus, pray daily for God's help and guidance, read and practice the word of God, stay in his presence and hope in his love and goodness. WAIT...