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Showing posts from June, 2011

There's An Angel Watching Over You!

One day my family and I had set out on a journey to visit a relative in the country area. The roads were steep and precipitous and this was the first time we were driving this truck because we borrowed it from a friend. We were going around the winding roads, then suddenly the truck spun around and somersaulted and turned toward a precipice, everything was out of control. The only one that could help was God himself. Immediately instinct came in and I shouted "Jesus". The truck stopped. What happened next was only short of a miracle. A peace filled the truck at that moment before stopping. There was no fear. When we stopped human nature took over, my knees were buckling when I looked down and saw what I was facing. The front of the truck stopped at the edge of the precipice. There was only a bit of dirt between our tires and the edge of the precipice. Death might of been certain, but it was not time for us. His angels were surely there, my cry to Him for help was heard. He wi...


Have you ever really given thought to what it is like to be a child of Royalty? What a privilege that is, the finest of everything available to you. Even the poorest of monarchies have their privileges, fine clothes, the best cars, the best seats at functions, the best schools, foods, the best of everything. Wow! I wish I was born into royalty. What privileges! You are Royalty! As long as you have God as your Father, then you are royalty. He sees everyone of us as very special. He who created the Kings and Queens, has also created and destined us to greatness. We are the apple of his eye. Everyone of us He sees as unique, special in His eyes, full of his love and goodness, increased with boundless possibilities and giftings, set free to walk into dimensions of greatness. You are a child of the King! You are a child of the great king Jehovah, so walk like children of a King. Let your mindset be that of royalty, special, favored and blessed. Your rights and privileges are boundless becau...