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Showing posts from October, 2011


Be free to be who God has made you. Stop playing the role that others think is yours or you should play. Self authenticate. Forget people who refuse to celebrate your uniqueness. You are who God has called you to be. SPECIAL! Full of His love, in fact with all the capacity in the world to love and be gracious. Have fun with yourself. Like yourself. Celebrate your own uniqueness. Do not be afraid for the very one who has created you to be who you are will sustain you with the gift of life and give you the strength to live it. You will be empowered from on high with his strength. Do not fear rejection, neither let it make you feel a lesser person. There will always be those who are for you and those against you. You are a child of God's universe "no less than the trees and stars," in fact you named them "trees and stars." Now call out your name "Special" blessed of God, unique, one of a kind, abounding in His love and creativity, full of His goodn...


There is a story in the Bible about a man named Lazarus who was dead for four days before his friend Jesus came and raised him from the dead. What a remarkable event. Mary and Martha with the help with others were already mourning Lazarus their brother. He had been dead for 4 days when Jesus arrived on the scene. Jesus is never late! It does not matter how drastic or dramatic the situation is. He, Jesus, is never late. “It’s never over until He says it is over” says someone. He is in control of all situations. Nothing passes His eyes. Not even a sparrow falls to the ground without Him knowing. “He is forever making intercessions for us the Bible says. Remove the stone! To get the needed deliverance from His negative situation, Lazarus’s loved ones were commanded to remove the stone that blocked the tomb. Let us remove what may be representing a stone in our lives. Is there any fear, doubt, prayerlessness, anger, unforgiveness, these can hinder God’s move in our lives. Now be...