The Psalmist David knew what trouble was; He had to run for his life. Saul wanted him dead. Rage and jealousy had put Saul in a fit. People loved David more than Saul. David made him feel small and humiliated. David was stealing his shine and he will not have it. He wanted sweet revenge. He had the power and the authority to do just that, so David had to run. This story is told so often. We wonder, why Lord? Why did this happen to me? What have I done wrong? The fact is, this is life. We win some and we lose some. The comfort we have is that we can go to our God. When we feel abused, refused or excluded we can go to him as David did. He will be to us a strong tower a shield and our protector. David said when he felt overwhelmed he will go to God who stands like a solid strong protective rock. A rock that is higher than him and that when life overwhelms him, he will trust in that rock. Today, Jesus is our rock and our shelter, our s...