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From Minimum to Maximum

The secret to a blessed life in Christ is in the power of prayer. Any time we operate from a focus of prayer and the word, God comes through for us. If we are tired and weary he will be there for us. No amount of human effort can replace the ability of Gods Holy Spirit to strengthen, guide and take care of the negative circumstances in our lives. The desire to operate on minimum strength is tempting, but we will soon learn that we can live up to our full potential only in Christ. Any trust in our human wisdom, strength or understanding will leave us falling short. It is the life that lives in total surrender to Christ that sees maximum results. Our focus must be on prayer and knowing God. We must not only be familiar with His works but become familiar with His ways. Christ realized the necessity of knowing God for himself and seeking God for His anointing. At one time he asked God to glorify Him with the glory he had with Him from the beginning. Though He was God, He took on the l...
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Perfect Peace

You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind (both its inclination and its character) is stayed on you, because he commits himself to you, leans on you, and hopes confidently in you. [Isaiah 26:3 Amplified]


Prayer Changes Things

Prayer changes things and we are assured that as we pray God will help us and guide us.  In the book of James He said that Elijah was a man like us. That means that Elijah was subjected to all human frailties like us.  One minute he is on the mountain the next minute he was hiding from a woman.  How many times we have allowed fear and circumstances to get us down even to the point of paralyzing us.  Elijah prayed and God responded to his prayer by stopping and sending rain. Even so God will respond to us as we pray. We don't have to be afraid.  Prayer is talking to God with love. It is not how long you pray, how loud you pray but how earnest you pray. It is all a 'heart thing'. God sees our hearts. Jesus said "go into the closet and pray" and He will answer you openly. Pray for and about everything. I know that God loves and cares for all of His children and He is just waiting for us to call on Him. He says that "we should call on Him and  He will answ...

Give Love!

Send love in the midst of despair, in the midst of confusion, in the midst of hurt and regrets, in the midst of sickness and disease. Send love to conquer doubt and fear where fear rules like a master of one's destiny, where hope is daunted by doubt where destiny is barraged by a hopeless past and where darkness seemed to have eradicated light, send love. For love will light the darkened heart, heal the wounded soul, right the greatest wrong. Love will conquer all barriers, go beyond all boundaries. Love will quench every thirst, heal every wound. Love will conquer in war and will reign in peace. It will climb every mountain, sail every sea. It is temporal and yet eternal. God is love! Today I send His love to you. 1 John 4:19, We love because He first loved us!!

Teach Me to Number My Days

The psalmist asked God to teach him to number his days so that he can apply his heart to wisdom.  Clearly, he had something of great significance to make such a request.  That is, he had a teachable spirit. He was willing to learn (the way of truth and wisdom) that would enable him to have a better understanding of knowledge to better walk and live a life of truth. What Moses Knew : 1.  He understood that his days are limited. 2.  He knew that he needed God's wisdom to live. 3.  He had a teachable spirit. 4.  He wanted to live in a culture of correction. 5.  He knew that success in life depended on the knowledge he gained that gave him the understanding he needed to apply his heart to wisdom. Our Prayer today should be Lord teach me this day to so that I may apply my heart to wisdom.

Lead Me to the Rock that is Higher than I

The Psalmist David knew what trouble was; He had to run for his life.  Saul wanted him dead. Rage and jealousy had put Saul in a fit.  People loved David more than Saul. David made him feel small and humiliated.  David was stealing his shine and he will not have it. He wanted sweet revenge.  He had the power and the authority to do just that, so David had to run.   This story is told so often. We wonder, why Lord? Why did this happen to me? What have I done wrong? The fact is, this is life. We win some and we lose some. The comfort we have is that we can go to our God.  When we feel abused, refused or excluded we can go to him as David did.  He will be to us a strong tower a shield and our protector.  David said when he felt overwhelmed he will go to God who stands like a solid strong protective rock. A rock that is higher than him and that when life overwhelms him, he will trust in that rock. Today, Jesus is our rock and our shelter, our s...