The secret to a blessed life in Christ is in the power of prayer. Any time we operate from a focus of prayer and the word, God comes through for us. If we are tired and weary he will be there for us. No amount of human effort can replace the ability of Gods Holy Spirit to strengthen, guide and take care of the negative circumstances in our lives. The desire to operate on minimum strength is tempting, but we will soon learn that we can live up to our full potential only in Christ. Any trust in our human wisdom, strength or understanding will leave us falling short.
It is the life that lives in total surrender to Christ that sees maximum results. Our focus must be on prayer and knowing God. We must not only be familiar with His works but become familiar with His ways. Christ realized the necessity of knowing God for himself and seeking God for His anointing. At one time he asked God to glorify Him with the glory he had with Him from the beginning. Though He was God, He took on the likeness of man and knew that he had to keep in communion with God to operate from the fullness of God.
We must not faint in prayer. When we minister to others we give out. We must keep on refilling our lives with the presence of God's Holy Spirit to get maximum results.
Scripture References: Matthew 6:5-15, Ephesians 6:18, Philippians 4:6-7
Scripture References: Matthew 6:5-15, Ephesians 6:18, Philippians 4:6-7
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