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Dream On!

As humans we all have dreams and desires that we secretly nurture for years. We lay on our beds and we picture in our minds the whole scenario of what our life would be like if only our dreams would come to pass. We say to ourselves maybe, if our circumstances were different, if we were born into a different family, if our teachers were more understanding , if only our friends were different. If only my mother, the pastor, priest, lawyer, doctor, if only. And the list goes on.
No more 'if onlys' !
We must declare to ourselves today that the story of if only's will stop with us. No more if only's. We are destroying that premise and starting on a new theme, "WE ARE WELL ABLE." My dream can be a reality, it begins with me. I declare to myself, I am responsible for my 'if only' and I am going to take control of the dream that God has given me. Yes, no more fear, no more excuses, no more if's.
I am free to dream!
With God's help today, I am free to do and be, free from all the fears that paralyze me from moving on from dreaming and developing at the pace that God wants for me. I walk into that freedom, without fear or doubt. In Phillipians 4:19, the Bible says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
This freedom is empowering!
I do not have retreat because of intimidation. My actions are now not dictated by my negative circumstances or past experiences. Hope rises in me. I will make it, my dream will become a reality. Every step I now take is a step towards the fulfillment of my dreams. I will walk in the confidence that God will help me. Though as I seek to fulfill my dreams I may stumble and falter but I will not be afraid because I know that as I give Him my best He will do the rest and that is a sure recipe for success. So dream on today and be blessed!


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