I laughed so much last night. It was good, so good. It had been so long since I had such a good laugh. It began when I decided to look up some caribbean poems that I loved since I was a child. My daughter helped me in my desire to recapture old memories. I felt like I was one of those secret artists, the one who always wished to appear on stage reciting some of the great West Indian poems. Here was my chance to live it. With my bedroom as an auditorium and my daughter the audience, I began, "Song of the Banana Man," by Evan Jones. Yes that poem. The one I always tried to say for every Jamaican I met, only to incorrectly recite the first verse and then stop because I did not know the whole poem. As I recited it and got to the end I emphatically articulated the words "BY GOD AND DIS BIG RIGHT HAN, YOU MUS RECOGNIZE A BANANA MAN!" We roared with laughter. A bolt of energy ran through my soul. The story of the banana man was so familiar to me. I knew Banana men, not in ...