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Showing posts from December, 2011

Count Your Blessings!!

Count your many blessings see what God has done! As the year closes we may be tempted to think of the negative things that might have taken place in our lives. Let me encourage you that before you go off on a negative rant, think of all the good things that has happened to you in spite of. Take on a new attitude, call it an "in spite of -I am grateful attitude." I am Blessed! Whatever it maybe, you have made it to the end of 2011 and now ready for 2012. You have more mountains to climb and more valleys to walk through. You are not getting weaker but in Christ growing stronger. You are not just going to be a conqueror, you are, according to God's word, "more than a conqueror." The fact that you are alive makes you a candidate for God's blessing. So today "count your blessings" and as the song says, "name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done." You are blessed, so be a blessing to someone. Have a Happy and Bl...

My meditation of Him shall be sweet!

This is the declaration of the Psalmist David as he spoke of the Lord's greatness. He blessed the Lord and ascribed greatness to Him. He exponded on His majesty and honor, His splendid nature and faithfulness to His creation. He then declared that He would sing praise to God as long as he lives. He says that his meditation of God will be sweet and that he will be glad in the Lord. Meditation God has called all us to live and enjoy His abundant life. One of the tools that God has given us to preserve and practice the abundant life is meditation. As in natural, so in the spiritual, the right foods when eaten sustains us physically, so the right spiritual conditioning will strengthen us spiritually, guaranteeing our spiritual success. The art of meditation calls for discipline. It is a setting apart of oneself to get close to God. Someone said whatever you pay attention to will grow. My time spent with God causes my relationship with him to grow. I will have greater awareness ...